Economic Empowerment of Women through SHGs in Dibrugarh District, Assam: A SWOT Analysis
Women Empowerment, Rural Development Programmes, SHGs, Micro Finance, Entrepreneurship, DevelopmentAbstract
In the recent years Empowerment of Women has been recognized as central issue in determining the status of women. Empowerment covers aspects such as women’s control over materials and intellectual resources. The concept of empowerment has been the subject of much intellectual discussion and analysis. Empowerment is defined as the processes by which women take control and ownership of their lives through expansion of their choice. Thus it is the process of acquiring the ability to make strategic life choice in a context where this ability has previously been denied. The Self Help Group (SHG) is a group of rural poor who volunteer to organize themselves in a group for eradication of poverty of the group members. Ideally, on a wider canvas, SHGs can become an extraordinary tool for women’s empowerment. The primary objective of the study is to conduct a SWOT Analysis of the SHGs to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats in Dibrugarh district of Assam For the purpose of the present study out of 7 (seven) Development Blocks 3 (three) Development Blocks of Dibrugarh District of Assam has been selected viz. Lahoal Development Block, Panitola Development Block and Tengakhat Development Block and three Gaon Panchayats from each of the Block has been selected and 130 No.s of SHGs have been selected randomly for collection of relevant information. The field study was conducted during January 2009-December 2009.
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UNICEF 2001 files/SHGstudy.pdf