Quality of Work Life in Banks - A Micro Level Comparative Analysis
Quality of Work Life, Banks, Likert Scaling, Employee satisfactionAbstract
The overall organization situation cannot be improved unless good human resource development practices are introduced. To introduce human resource development practices quality of work life is one of the important factors. Quality of work life is the quality of the content relationship between employees and their total working environment. It affects motivation, satisfaction of employee productivity and profitability of an organization. A business has to recognize the importance of its workers as human beings. Banks are basically human organizations. The quality of service in the banking industry depends on the quality of human resources. Therefore, maintaining good quality of work life in the bank is very much essential. Various criteria are used to measure the quality of work life. Among them the seven factors namely job satisfaction, autonomy, physical working environment, salary and other benefits, career advancement and promotion, collegial relation among faculty and relationship with management ¸are taken for study to analyze the public and private sector bank employee satisfaction towards them. The study revealed that the private sector bank employees are highly satisfied compared to public sector bank. To enhance the quality of work life, the organization should adopt the strategies such as autonomy in work, alternative work schedule, good working conditions, career development, proper grievance handling system and participative management.
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