The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Organisational Commitment: A Study of Manufacturing Organisations in Nigeria
HRM, Organisational Commitment, Performance AppraisalAbstract
The objective of the study is to investigate the influence of five dimensions of human resource management practices (teamwork, communication, reward and recognition, and training and development and performance appraisal) on employees’ organisational commitment in manufacturing organisations in Nigeria. The question asked is whether the practice of training and developing employees, of rewarding and recognizing workers in an organisation, of allowing employees to work as a team, of carrying out regular performance appraisal and communicating with employees about the activities/goals of the organisation and the employee’s role in advancing these goals by human resource managers affect or influence their organisational commitment.
Using the questionnaire survey, a total of 377 questionnaires was distributed, from which 321 completed questionnaires were returned (85% response rate). The sample was obtained from fifteen manufacturing organisations in Nigeria. Regression analyses were employed to test the research hypotheses which specified the relationship between the independent variables (training and development, reward and recognition, teamwork, communication, and performance appraisal) and the dependent variable of organisational commitment.
The results of the study revealed that communication, training and development, reward and recognition, teamwork and performance appraisal are positively associated with organisational commitment. The results also show that all dimensions of human resource management practices chosen in the study are important determinants in motivating the employees to be committed to their organisation. The study recommends the need for management of organisations to develop and adopt human resource management practices in order to develop committed workforce for organisational success.
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