Celebrity Advertisement: Key to Marketing Success
Brand building, Buying behaviour, Celebrity advertisement, EndorsementAbstract
The use of celebrity endorsement strategy is nowadays more frequently used by marketers in order to increase their sales and thereby extend their market shares. Firms invest significant monies in exposing brands and organizations with endorser qualities such as attractiveness, likeability, credibility, Trustworthiness etc. This paper analyses the role of celebrities in promoting sales and Criteria of selecting celebrities in endorsement. Celebrity advertisement helps to increase market share. Using celebrities in advertisements provides many benefits like Facilitation of brand identification, changing or impressing the negative attitude towards the brand, repositioning an existing brand, global marketing and affecting purchase intention of consumers. Celebrity advertisement has a strong effect on consumers’ memory and learning approach too. Most of the consumers are not in a purchase situation when they encounter with message of the brand. Marketers use celebrity endorsement in order to help better memory power in consumers’ mind which they can easily remember in purchasing situations. There are certain parameters like celebrity product match up, credibility, attractiveness, target audience match up, cost consideration that hypothesize compatibility between the celebrity and the brand.
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