Employment Generation & Poverty Alleviation through Self Help Group(S): A Case Study in Bajiagaon Development Block of Nagaon District (Assam)


  • Mintu Gogoi Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Commerce, Assam University, India
  • Pingki Sharma Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Commerce, Assam University, India


employment generation, poverty alleviation, household income, sustainable development, consciousness


Purpose- to assess the performance of Self Help Group(s) SHGs) in terms of employment generation and poverty alleviation.

Design/methodology/approach- primary focus is on measuring the performance of the SHGs that leads to condense poverty alleviation. It further investigates the behaviors that create employment generation. Both primary and secondary data were taken into consideration.  Primary data were collected through schedule containing relevant questions from the members of the groups. Secondary data were collected from different secondary sources available and pertinent for the study. Percentage is used to contrast and analyzed the data and was graphical represent in view of that.

Findings- The change of household income of members has augmented after joining SHGs is unfurnished. Employment opportunities have increased and as a result, many family members also get a hold employment opportunity. The study further states that the performance of female SHG is better than male Self Help Groups in almost all programs.

Originality/Value- Majority of existing literature though basically focused on role of SHGs in women empowerment, employment generation as well as poverty alleviation, at a standstill the appraisal inveterate the demand of the present study. The Present study covers the period from the year 2001-2003. Out of total 254 SHGs’, 140 female and 114 male, 40 % samples i.e. 56 females and 46 males groups (Total 102) are selected by random sampling method. Net profit, assets were examined in order to appraise the performance of the Self Help Groups.


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How to Cite

Mintu Gogoi, & Pingki Sharma. (2022). Employment Generation & Poverty Alleviation through Self Help Group(S): A Case Study in Bajiagaon Development Block of Nagaon District (Assam). Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 4(3), 9–12. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/475


