Ratio of Students’ to Total Population, Teachers and Educational Institutions in Indian Higher Education – A Comparative Study (1951-2011)
MHRD, UGC, Stakeholders, Higher Education, PopulationAbstract
The present study deals with the higher education particularly ratio of students’ enrolment to total population, teachers and higher educational institutions in India after independence i.e. from 1951 to 2011. Statistical analysis of the collected data has shown positive correlation among these three factors. It is observed that, there is 42.76 times increase in students’ enrolment, 34.04 times increase in teachers, 46.01 times increase in higher educational institutions and 3.35 times increase in population during 1951-2011. The ratio of students’ enrolment to total population, higher educational institutions, number of teachers reflects the success of efforts taken by the agencies like MHRD, UGC and AICTE in enhancing higher education in India.
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