A Study on Influence of Investment Specific Attitudes of Investors on Investment Decisions
Mutual Funds, Investment Decisions, Investment Specific Attitudes, InvestorsAbstract
In India, it is the household sector which occupies a position of dominance over the other institutional sectors like private corporate sector and public sector in terms of generating savings. Particularly, savings in financial assets by households are more important from the resource mobilisation point of view, because of their liquidity characteristics compared to physical savings which can be more easily translated into investments. In today’s highly volatile capital market environment, mutual funds are looked upon as a transparent and low cost investment avenue. A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of small investors, in the form of units, who have a common financial goal. The money, thus collected by them is invested in financial market instruments such as shares, debentures, bonds, money market instruments or some combination of these investments in such a way, as to minimise risk, while ensuring safety and a steady return on investment. At the retail level, investors are unique and are highly heterogeneous, and the mutual fund schemes' selection will also differ depends on their expectations. Hence, investors’ expectation is a very important factor in this regard that needs to be analysed by all the investment houses. So, the factors that drive the investment decisions of individual investors to meet their expectations by investing money in mutual funds need an in-depth analysis. One of the most influencing factors on mutual fund investment decisions is investment specific attitudes of investors. Hence the present study makes an attempt to analyze the influence of investment specific attitudes of investors on mutual fund investment decisions.
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