Entrepreneurship for MBA Students in the Global Economic
MBA, Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurship, SWOT, Human capitalAbstract
There is a strong need for Business Managers with MBA qualification with today’s rapid growth in industries in India as well as across the globe. Therefore, in the present global scenario MBA education has become the norm. Many young students pursue a career in management and may posses’ entrepreneurial aptitude. The researchers in the present study explored the possibility of entrepreneurial aptitude among management graduates. The researchers believe that entrepreneurship and leadership go hand in hand. With this notion the authors have studied various dimensions of leadership. These dimensions of leadership include Concern for people, Attention, Trust, Building and leading teams, Self regard, Self actualization, Independence, Problem solving, Flexibility, Stress tolerance, Impulse control, Optimism, Intra personal EQ, Adaptability EQ, Stress mgmt EQ, Emotional stability, Locus of control, Productivity, Creativity and Openness to experience. The authors conducted an empirical study to measure above dimensions on a sample of 100 management students from B-schools in Chennai. A co relational analysis of the finding was carried out. The results indicate a significant positive correlation amongst most of the variables associated with leadership and entrepreneurship.
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