Bank’s Employees’ Perception about Quality of Work Life and its Impact on Job behaviour in District Ludhiana


  • Lalita Kumari Assistant Professor Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus Sathiala, District Amritsar, Punjab, India.


QWL, stress, performance, absence and accident and job satisfaction


The aim of this study is to analyse the factors that influence the perception of bank’s employee about their quality of work life and to study whether there is any significant relationship among QWL and job behaviour (i.e stress, performance, absence and accident and job satisfaction). Survey was conducted with the help of questionnaire in which a likert scale have been used. Data was analysed on the basis of responses provided by 100 respondents of whom 50 were taken from private sector banks and the rest from public sector banks from district Ludhiana. Data was analysed with the help of factor analysis. Carl Pearson correlation was used to understand the relationship between QWL and job behaviour. The implications suggests that there are eight factors that affects the QWL of employees as “Adequate Income & Fair Compensation”, “Growth oriented working life”, “Organization’s culture”, “Job security”, “Time pressure”, “Constitutionalism in work organization”, “Social relevance of work” and “Opportunity for continued growth”. The test indicated that 1) there is positive and direct relationship between QWL and performance and job satisfaction 2) QWL has a negative correlation with stress and absenteeism and accident. The results of this study may have some practical significance for Human Resource Managers of especially banks in designing their retention and recruitment policies.


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How to Cite

Lalita Kumari. (2022). Bank’s Employees’ Perception about Quality of Work Life and its Impact on Job behaviour in District Ludhiana. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 4(2), 62–68. Retrieved from


