Strategic Positioning of the Private and Higher Education in Rio Grande Do Norte-Brazil
Higher Education, Positioning Strategies, Strategic ToolsAbstract
The aim of this study is to analyze the strategies of Private institutions and positioning for higher education (IESP) of RN, using the following tools: life cycle of the institutions; Segment of the IESP; Porter's Generic strategies; Array of strategic positioning and Institutional Placement. Quantitative and qualitative research were undertaken through searches in databases of INEP and MEC and in email addresses of IESP, besides visits to all institutions surveyed, creating an overview for each tool used in the study. The results showed that the two main Institutions stand in the market in relation to the excellence of the courses, three institutions seek to highlight from the perspective of the consumer through price, and on a third block, with that alternated good and bad results and who obtained poor analysis, requiring better planning of actions to face the competitive market.
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