Educational Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Index at Public Higher Educational Institutions
Educational Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction Index, Public Higher Educational Institutions, MalaysiaAbstract
The first objective of this paper is to investigate the importance, expectation, perception, and satisfaction of students at public higher educational institutions in Malaysia with regard to educational service quality and customer satisfaction. The second objective of this paper is to propose an index for Educational Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction (ESQCSi). The sub-dimensions of Educational Service Quality according to this model are reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness, tangibles (program quality and servicescapes), communication, knowledge/ expertise, systems/secondary services, social responsibility and self-development. A modified SERVQUAL instrument was used to gather information specifically for higher education. This instrument used ten sub-dimensions or variables instead of the five variables in the original SERVQUAL. The data was analyzed using the ACSI method. The index for Educational Service Quality (ESQ) was -12.1316 and the index for Customer Satisfaction (CS) was 63.6187. Therefore, the index for ESQCSi was purported to be 51.4871.
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