Assessment of Welfare Expectations of Workers in Redeemer’s University, Ogun State, Nigeria
Perception, remuneration, expectationAbstract
The study examines the perception of the workers’ of Redeemer’s University towards staff welfare package in the institution. Structured questionnaires were administered on a cross section of the institution’s workforce to elicit relevant information about the subject matter. Data collected were employed in testing the formulated hypotheses, using the Chi-Square statistical method. The result at 0.05 level of significance reveals that, the institution is doing relatively well in staff remuneration, but many issues relating to staff welfare were either poorly addressed or taken for granted. Many of its workers could perceive many benefits enjoyed by their counterparts in other organizations but are lacking in their institution - which may explain why many of its workers, particularly the academic staff members, are leaving the University for other Institutions. The study recommends that management of the institution should look beyond robust salary and create a work environment that respect the social needs of the workers and promotes the welfare of its workforce in general if it must attract and retain the right type of manpower needed to achieve its ambitious vision and mission
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