Influence of Socio Economic Characteristics on Agricultural Marketing – with Special Reference to Farmers in Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh
Livelihood, Population, Economic consideration, Market structureAbstract
Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Approximately 70% of the nation’s population depends upon agriculture for their livelihood. It providing employment to 65% of the working class in the country. Agricultural marketing is a process, which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm product and involves all aspects of market structure or system, both functional and institutional, based on technical and economic consideration. Agricultural marketing is a state subject, it has an important role to play in laying down general policy framework, quality standards, conducting surveys and research studies and in providing guidance, technical and financial support to the state government. Agricultural is the mainstay of the people in the Rayalaseema region. Agricultural marketing however has not adequately developed in this district. This study is micro level study with specific reference to socio-economic characteristics and existing marketing facilities in the study area. The present study provides a systematic approach to the identification of socio-economic characteristics, existing marketing facilities and suggest appropriate measures to facilitate an efficient and effective system of marketing.
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