An Empirical Study of the Marketing Strategies on the Indian Gold Ornament Market
Gold Ornament, Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Consumers, IndiaAbstract
The present study mainly focusing on provides a general overview of the some marketing strategies that are strongly influencing on the Indian gold ornament market. In this work the researcher extend the study by providing a brief reviews of available literature. For the purpose of conducting this study the researcher was collecting primary data with the help of a consumer survey method in a time span of 6 months. This was conducted by visiting total 64 wards in Kerala with the help of a structured questionnaire. In this study the researcher was followed a multistage random sampling technique. The result of the study reveals that product quality improvement is one of the important products related marketing strategies in the gold ornament market of India. The study also reveals that advertisements and tempting offers provided by the jeweler are two important promotional strategies influenced the consumers in their gold ornament purchase. The outcome of the Chi-square test shows that there was a significant relationship between the area of the consumer and the influence of the advertisement of jewelers on their gold ornament purchase.
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