The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Managerial Career Advancement with Mediating Effect of Job Performance: The Conceptual Framework
Corporate social responsibility, managers, career advancement and job performanceAbstract
Over the decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly being viewed as an important and integral part of business operations. As Asian countries are gradually encouraging foreign trade and investment, there is correspondingly increasing research interest in CSR. The purpose of this study is to explore new aspects of CSR related to manager’s career advancement and with mediating role of job performance. The theoretical frame consists of Carroll’s CSR model, including four dimensions: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic which are related to manager’s career advancement. The paper provides complete literature on CSR, managerial career advancement and job performance which brings new interesting aspects to the context of CSR. The study is providing useful information about CSR which highlights on the internal aspect rather than the external aspect that is often discussed in CSR. This paper covers pragmatic arguments in the literature, develops conceptual framework relating to the relationship among CSR, manager’s career advancement and job performance.
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