Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure- An Econometric Analysis of Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh


  • Prof. Dr Md Nazrul Islam Department of Business Administration Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangaldesh
  • Professor Dr Tofayel Ahmed North East University of Bangladesh, Sylhet, Bangaldesh


CSED, Types of CSED, factors of CSED, Banking Sector


CSED is the compliance   of social and environmental aspects throughout the operation of the organization.  In Bangladesh the level of CSED is very low and totally voluntary. The present study aims to explore the nature determinants of CSED in the Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. For this purpose all the   listed private commercial banks have been undertaken. The study revealed that there is no significant relationship between the corporate characteristics and the volume of CSED in private commercial banks in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

Prof. Dr Md Nazrul Islam, & Professor Dr Tofayel Ahmed. (2022). Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure- An Econometric Analysis of Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 3(3), 59–65. Retrieved from


