A Conceptual Framework: Ensuring the Determination and Impact on Adoption of Mechanism for Processing Microfinance (A Case Study of D.I.Khan District Kpk, Pakistan)
Micro finance, MFIs, Access, income, employment, education, communication, health careAbstract
Microfinance contributes an emergent task in economic development of many developing countries of the world. Micro Financial Institutions provide small loans to poor people, farmers and small businessmen. Half of the population of the developing countries lacks access with respect to adopting the mechanism for processing Micro finance from different MFIs. Provision of Micro finance to the needy people for the formation of their new business or enhancing the volume of existing business may reduce poverty, increase their income and also increase the productivity. People must be given the know how to obtain and adopt mechanism for processing micro finance for their different determinants of life. This research study provides an overview on adopting the mechanism for processing micro finance by the respondents living in D.I.Khan district KPK Pakistan. This study is based on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in order to find out the feasible solution of this research question: what measures and effects on households’ welfare have been adopted for processing micro finance by the users in the field of income, employment, education, communication, health care, children’s education and housing etc? Stratified random sampling techniques were used to get a response of 96 respondents. Data were collected through close ended questions, semi structured interviews, observations and documentary reviews. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics using various statistical tools like regression, t- test and ANNOVA with the help of tables.
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