Consumer Perception towards Loyalty Card Programs - A Study of Indian Consumers


  • Ms. Swati Singh Assistant Professor Institute of Technology & Science Ghaziabad, U.P. India.
  • Dr. Sapna Rakesh Professor Institute of Technology& Science Ghaziabad, U.P. India.


Loyalty, Loyalty Program, Consumer Perception, Retailing


In the environment of cut-throat competition marketers are showing interest in customer loyalty programs. Loyalty programs have become one of the most critical means by which companies manage their customer relationships. Customer loyalty is one of the major objective of the marketing efforts. In the present competitive scenario making customers loyal is a tough nut to crack.Indian retailers are using loyalty card programs to win customers. Loyalty programs are not panacea to ensure the profitability, consumer perception towards loyalty program plays a crucial role in the success of the program. This research would attempt to find out the consumers perception towards Loyalty card programs and apply the empirical analysis to test the difference in perception of male and female customers.


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How to Cite

Ms. Swati Singh, & Dr. Sapna Rakesh. (2022). Consumer Perception towards Loyalty Card Programs - A Study of Indian Consumers. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 3(2), 58–62. Retrieved from


