An Empirical Model of Continuance Intention toward Mobile Wallet Services in India


  • S. Saibaba Department of Marketing, SDM Institute of Management Development, Mysore, Karnataka, India


Continuance intention, mobile wallet, perceived enjoyment, perceived mobility, satisfaction


Purpose: The tremendous increase in mobile phones in India has resulted in consumers performing various activities through it. Due to affordable rates of mobile internet and various other factors, the demand for mobile wallet services has surged in the past few years, resulting in increased competition. The study aims to investigate the significant determinants of continuance intention of mobile wallet customers in India, by validating the conceptual framework with empirical data. Methodology: The study collected 325 responses from the current mobile wallet customers through online survey. The measurement items of all variables (six independent variables and a dependent variable) have been adapted from the literature and modified accordingly. The study applied a variety of statistical tools, using IBM SPSS, to empirically validate the proposed research model. Findings: The results of the multiple regression revealed that the satisfaction was a major determinant of continuance intention toward mobile wallet applications in India. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived enjoyment had significant influence on continuance intention. Further, multivariate analysis of variance results show that the significant influence of determinants on continuance intention varied across the customers based on their usage. Implications: The study clearly highlights the need for understanding significant determinants of continuance intention of mobile wallet customers in India and it also states the need for distinguishing the mobile wallet users based on their intensity of usage, which would help practitioners to understand the market segments better and increase profitability through customer loyalty. Originality: This study is unique in its approach by not only proposing a research model measuring the post-adoption behavior of mobile wallet customers in India but also confirming its practical applicability through empirical validation of data using multivariate statistical techniques. Conclusion: The study identified the significant determinants of mobile wallet applications in India and the effect of usage on customers’ post-adoption behavior.


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How to Cite

S. Saibaba. (2022). An Empirical Model of Continuance Intention toward Mobile Wallet Services in India. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 13(3), 01–10. Retrieved from


