Effectiveness of green entrepreneurship practices in driving the growth of Indian small and medium-sized enterprises


  • Dr. S. Nafeesa Assistant Professor and Research Supervisor, PG and Research department of Commerce, Quaide Milleth College for Men, Chennai, India
  • Dr. Hema Joe Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Commerce ( Corporate Secretaryship), Government Arts and Science College,Dr. Rk Nagar, Chennai, India


Green entrepreneurship, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Sustainability, Organizational performance


Purpose: The present study investigates the effectiveness of green entrepreneurship practices in shaping the growth trajectory of small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) in India. The present study intends to evaluate the green entrepreneurship practices adopted by Indian SMEs and its impact on the performance of the organizations. Problem: The current research work explores the awareness and implementation of eco-friendly initiatives, the demographic profiles of participants, and the relationship between green entrepreneurship factors and organizational performance. Methodology: This cross-sectional survey used a survey instrument and 60 SMEs participated in the survey. Before the full-scale survey, a pilot test with a small group of SME representatives was conducted to ensure the questionnaire’s clarity and relevance. Findings: The study findings indicate a notable level of awareness and dedication to green activities among SMEs, with a substantial percentage holding green certifications. While a positive correlation exists between green cognition, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship education, and organizational performance, financial support demonstrates a weak association. Recommendations: Recommendations include enhancing awareness of government incentives, promoting green entrepreneurship education, and fostering collaboration among SMEs and certification bodies. These insights provide valuable guidance for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and SMEs aiming to integrate sustainable practices into their operations for long-term growth and environmental stewardship.


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How to Cite

Dr. S. Nafeesa, & Dr. Hema Joe. (2024). Effectiveness of green entrepreneurship practices in driving the growth of Indian small and medium-sized enterprises. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 15(1), 01–09. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/642


