Role of entrepreneurship in bringing social change: A comparative analysis between Maharashtra and Bihar
Entrepreneurship, Maharashtra, Bihar, Economic growth, Social changeAbstract
Purpose: The current study intends to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship on social change in two Indian states such as Maharashtra and Bihar. Entrepreneurship is often identified with capitalism while the current study analyzes its impact on society through the available data. The current study is a first of its kind in this aspect as the studies conducted earlier focused on the economic aspects of the state. Methodology: The current review analyzes the secondary information collected from various government reports of the state and the union, research papers, theses, web articles, and books published earlier. This narrative review article intends to identify the role played by entrepreneurship on social change in these two states. Findings: The study findings provide knowledgeable insights about the role played by entrepreneurship in the state of Maharashtra, the second-highest industrialized state in the country and top contributor of the Indian economy for more than a decade. Bihar, being one of the lowest performers in terms of economic indicators, the state is also suffering from social indicators that have been exposed by the data. Implications: The study provides a bird’s eye view of the socio-economic aspects of both states and provides recommendations for the state of Bihar to improve the existing performance. Originality: The study is a novel attempt to analyze how entrepreneurship positively affects the social structure of the state.
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