Business Students’ Perception Owards Social Responsibility and Business Ethics.
Ethics, Social Responsibility, Decision Making, Business StudentsAbstract
In light of innumerable recent business scandals, sensitizing business students to the importance of individual and collective actions seems increasingly warranted. The business students should not only be provided with opportunities to build business skills, but also to help them to understand the powerful effects that business decisions and actions can have on society and the potential collateral damage they can cause. Unfortunately, business education traditionally has been delivered in a way that emphasizes economic rather than relational impacts which reflects the typical business myopia on short-term goal. Individual differences in ethical ideology are believed to play a key role in decision making. Business students must first perceive ethics and social responsibility to be important before their behaviors are likely to become more ethical and reflect greater social responsibility. However, little research has been conducted concerning business students perception regarding the importance of ethics and social responsibility as components of job decisions. A critical step towards helping business students to realize the balance between maximizing the careers in business and minimizing behavioral harm is the understanding of ethics and social responsibility. The current study focuses on the research conducted in management colleges to determine the differences among business students gender-wise in first and second year, in the ethical views and personal values. The findings reveal that business students views were not favorably predisposed to believing CSR was important. The relationship between males and female students’ perception towards social responsibility was also examined. Several directions for future research are identified.
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