An Assessment of Service Quality of Private Hospitals in Pakistan: A Patient Perspective
Service Quality, Private Hospitals, Patient Satisfaction, PakistanAbstract
Competitive environment among the industrial and service sector has also influenced the healthcare especially hospitals in private sector. There is a tremendous growth in private hospitals during the last couple of years, due to inadequate healthcare facilities available at public hospitals to meet the 169.6 million people of Pakistan. This factor had provided an opportunity for the private hospitals to fill this gap by providing better healthcare services to the patients that leads to patient satisfaction. This paper aimed to evaluate the service quality delivered by the private hospitals in Pakistan based on patient perception. A questionnaire is developed based on SERVQUAL model comprised of 22 variables representing five service quality dimensions; empathy, tangible, assurance, timeliness and responsiveness. The statistical analysis of this study provides an insight that service quality of the private hospitals meets patient satisfaction.
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