An overview of technology acceptance and adoption models in the aftermath of COVID-19
COVID-19, Fintech,, pandemic, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, technology acceptance model, technology adoptionAbstract
Purpose: Technology adoption and its acceptance models have been investigated in different perceptions, encompassing various variables that suit the needs and requirements of the end user. It is important for the decision-makers, think tanks and the technology developers to assess the need, rationale and importance for the technology before its development and also plan to develop, market and make it reach the end user. During COVID-19, technology has heavily helped the global communities to stay connected, educate themselves, get medical help, conduct business, do governance, and develop ideas and many more. In this background, technology adoption and its acceptance, especially after COVID-19, needs to be investigated in detail. Methodology: Various factors tend to exert their impact on adoption as well as acceptance of the technology among the customers in terms of technological, personal, social, environmental and economic factors. The current study analyses various technology acceptance models (TAMs) in this research paper and its application in various domains such as education, healthcare, agriculture, Fintech, and security. Findings: The current review encompasses a brief discussion of the TAMs while it presented an overview of its applications in various domains, especially after COVID-19 pandemic. This paper has found knowledgeable insights about the impact of COVID-19 upon technology adoption since the pandemic has changed the way how people live, communicate, do business, and thrive. Implications: The study also lists out the scope for future studies due to the advancements in technologies and the increasing penetration of technology across the globe. The future studies must focus on advanced technology adoption models as per the ever-changing environment. Some of the potential application areas must be investigated in detail such as cloud computing, IIoT, artificial intelligence, block chain, virtual and augmented reality, machine learning, and deep learning techniques. Originality: Although various studies have reviewed technology acceptance and adoption models, the current study is a first-of-its-kind attempt in the aftermath of COVID-19.
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