Impact of Job Stress On Job Satisfaction- An Empirical Study
Job stress, bank employees, work place, job satisfaction, changing scenarioAbstract
Deregulation, financial innovation, securitization, globalization, competition and technological advances in banking sector have changed the entire work set up in banks .The rapid transformation in the banking industry over the last decade has made the industry stronger, transparent, efficient, faster and more competitive. There is a paradigm shift in the work culture of bank employees. This has pressurized and made employees to give their maximum at work place. This study is an attempt to analyze the influence of various factors leading to job stress and their influence on the job satisfaction of employees in the banking sector. For this the primary data was collected from 100 sample respondents (bank employees) from 5 commercial banks of Mangalore city by convenience sampling method. For this purpose, structured questionnaire was employed to collect the primary data from the selected sample respondents. The study uses Statistical tools like factor analysis and Correlation to understand the job stress and its impact on job satisfaction among the bank employees in the eve of changing banking scenario.
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