Appropriate Forms of Benefit in the Opinion Of Employees at Cosmaprof Co., Ltd.


  • Ms. Wanatsanan Khwanchai Research Scholar Graduate School of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok
  • Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud Advisor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok


Employee benefits, Employee satisfaction, Job satisfaction, Employee Motivation


The research on appropriate forms of benefit in the opinion of employees at Cosmaprof Co., Ltd. had an aim to investigate Cosmaprof Co., Ltd.’s employees satisfaction in the benefits provided by the company and to study the need of employees for the benefits. Population of the research was employee of Cosmaprof Co., Ltd. and 100 samples were chosen to answer the questionnaires. Statistics used to analyze data were Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, One-way ANOVA T-test, and for correlation analysis the Regression analysis was applied.

They were highly satisfied with 2 items provided by the company which were holidays and bonus in accordance with the company’s policy.

Outcome of the study recommends that the CEO should pay attention to the living condition of the personnel as well as setting compensation properly in terms of salary and benefit which should be suitable with the cost of living and similar to other companies in the same industry. This shall help employees to have better living which will make them feel more obligated to the organization. Behavioral ice breaking should take place in order to create togetherness in work and also to make the personnel relaxed. Social activities should be promoted, both on behalf of an organization and privately, through serious and appropriate budget allocation by an organization to tighten relationship between personnel and the organization


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How to Cite

Ms. Wanatsanan Khwanchai, & Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud. (2022). Appropriate Forms of Benefit in the Opinion Of Employees at Cosmaprof Co., Ltd . Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 7(2), 70–73. Retrieved from


