A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction between the Employees of Private Vs Public Sector Bank in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Job Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction Survey, Bank EmployeesAbstract
A happy and satisfied workman is an asset of any organization and they devote much concern, dedication and creativity to their work. And of course bank employees are not an exception. An attempt has been made to study job satisfaction level among the public and private sector bank employees is one of the major objective of this study. This research finding is based on the responses obtained with the help of questionnaire from the selected sample of 172 from public and private bank employees within the Luckonow city. This research paper not only analyzes the level of satisfaction among bank employees but also tries to find out associations with different demographical variables. It was found that level of job satisfaction among both the bank employees more or less same. Due to their small sample size and restricted research area the findings of this study cannot be generalized, so I would suggest further research on large sample to validate findings
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