Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope | Section Policies | Peer Review Process | Publication Frequency | Open Access Policy | Archiving
About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Aims and Scope Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies is an open access peer review Tri-Annual research journal that publishes articles in the field of commerce & management. The journal serves as a bridge between worldwide scholars and commerce and management studies researchers. The journal publishes research articles and papers in all areas of commerce and management. The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in business studies. Each issue brings you critical perspectives and cogent analyses, serving as an outlet for the best theoretical and research work in the field. The purpose of the journal is to further the understanding of the theory and practice of business studies by publishing articles of interest to practitioners and scholars. The Journal is published in English. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy.

General Management
Accounting and Finance
Economic Policy
Technology Management
Marketing Management
Human Resource Management
International Business
Consumer Behaviour
Business Law

Section Policies

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer-Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Policy

We are transparent in our reviewing process. A double-blind peer-review process is applicable for our journal (authors and reviewers are unaware of one another’s identity) and the author(s) is informed about the status of their contribution whether accepted or sent back to them for improvements.

  • Step – 1: Once the manuscripts are received from the author, there is an initial screening done in order to check the paper’s format (the manuscript must meet the first criteria including: language, file format, citation format and etc.). If the manuscript fits the first criteria, it is sent to the Editorial team. If not, the manuscript is sent back to the author(s) for revision and resubmission.
  • Step – 2: The manuscript is reviewed by the Subject Matter Expert (Associate editor) and the Editorial review members. Here the manuscript is evaluated in terms of novelty, subject, and scientific language. If the manuscript meets the scientific standards, it is sent to two reviewers. If not, the manuscript is sent to the editor in chief for a fast reject.
  • Step – 3: Based on the Editorial’s opinion, the manuscript is sent to two reviewers.
  • Step – 4: The Reviewers review the manuscript; the reviewers’ recommendation is:
  • -Accepted.
  • -Needs Minor Revision
  • -Needs Major Revision
  • -Rejected
 Step – 4-1: The authors do the revision needed and resend the manuscript.

 Step – 4-2: The same reviewers review the revised file and leave comments for the editor-in-chief.

  • Step – 5: Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor in chief decides whether a manuscript can be;
    • -Accepted
    • -Rejected

Publication Frequency

        Tri-Annual: January, May & September

Open Access Policy

IJCMS is aimed at providing high-quality research articles to the academic community without any cost (GOLDEN OA). This journal provides immediate open access to its content for making it one of the largest open-source available to the research community in arts, humanities and social science sector. However, the author whose article is accepted, need to pay the specified amount in order to cover the publication fees.


All the published papers are archived in PKP-PN.
This journal is also utilizing LOCKSS to ensure a secure and permanent archive. Please visit LOCKSS Publisher Manifest.

About the Journal

For the past ten years, We, Educational Research Multimedia and Publications, India exhibited true commitment and excellence in inculcating high-quality research which is recognized by UGC also. We are a proud publisher of research contributions from global authors in the areas of Arts, Commerce, Management, Education and Social Sciences. Being headed by a team of Eminent Scientists, Professors, Professionals, Researchers, Key Opinion Leaders, Industrialists, our board of management holds 25+ years of collective experience in publishing research and educational materials. Our publications are open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, plagiarism-free, updated and application-oriented that suit the current trends.
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies is owned and managed by Educational Research Multimedia and Publications, India. IJCMS is an open access peer review Tri-Annual research journal that publishes articles in the field of commerce & management. The journal serves as a bridge between worldwide scholars and commerce and management studies researchers. The journal publishes research articles and papers in all areas of commerce and management. The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in business studies. Each issue brings you critical perspectives and cogent analyses, serving as an outlet for the best theoretical and research work in the field. The purpose of the journal is to further the understanding of the theory and practice of business studies by publishing articles of interest to practitioners and scholars.