Instructions to Authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Submission Preparation Checklist  

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Authors may submit manuscript to as per guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines 

Author(s) are requested to please carefully read all the instructions before submitting a manuscript to the INDIAN JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (IJCMS). Manuscripts not prepared as per below-mentioned specifications may be returned to the author(s) and may experience a significant delay in review and time to publication. Soft copy of the manuscript should be sent to the Editor IJCMS along with a cover letter. Manuscripts should be prepared in English using a MS-Word program.


The language of the manuscript must be in English (either American or British standard, but not the mixture of both).

Length of paper

Paper length should be between 3500-6500 words. Papers should be submitted only as Microsoft Word format with 1.5 line spacing in A4 size, using Times New Roman or Arial font (Font size: 12)

Title Pager

First page must be a title page in which all the authors have to be listed with their organizational affiliation & e-mail id of the corresponding author. The order of the authors must be as presented in the Copyright Form.


Title should be concise and informative. Try to avoid abbreviations and formulas where possible.

Corresponding author

Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing, publication and also post-publication. Ensure that telephone numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. All of the authors acknowledge him/her as the corresponding author by signing the Copyright Form.


All manuscripts must include a maximum of 300 words structured abstract, along with a total of 4 to 5 keywords in italics one line below the abstract. Avoid References and using the complete statistical results. A concise and factual abstract is required which should briefly state;

Purpose: Goal of the study or why the study is being conducted.

Methodology: Research method applied to interpret.

Findings: Main results or findings of the study.

Implications: Major implications of the study.

Originality: Prove novelty or originality of the study. 

Manuscript Contents

Manuscript should contain the following section in the given order;

(1) Introduction
(2) Literature Review
(3) Methodology
(4) Findings and Discussion
(5) Conclusion
(6) Author Contributions
(7) Financial Support
(8) Acknowledgements
(9) Conflict of Interest
(10) References
(11) Figure(s)
(12) Table(s)

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be kept to a necessary minimum, and their information should not be duplicated in the text. The position of figures and tables should be indicated in the manuscript.

Tables should be typed on separate sheets and be numbered. Each table must include appropriate headings and Footnotes.

Colour images should be at least 300 DPI in JPEG, TIFF or BMP format. Illustrations should be designed to fit the journal page with a maximum plate size 254×203 mm, have an additional white border. Larger illustrations will be printed at the discretion of the Editor. Reduction or cropping may be necessary to conserve space. The best results can be obtained from the original artwork and original photographs.

A short detailed legend (maximum, 60 words long) should be provided for each figure. Legends for the illustrations should be typed double spaced. Colour illustrations cannot be reproduced in colour unless the cost is subsidized by the author. Authors will receive notice of the cost of colour reproduction as soon as after acceptance as possible. The corresponding author must sign a written agreement to cover the estimated costs before the production of colour figures will be undertaken.

In case of using a non-original figure, the author is responsible for the copyright notice of the original work. Also, proper citation is needed.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds or fees by, or holding stocks and shares in, an organization that may profit or loss through publication of their paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it.

Citation Style

APA citation style should be followed for referencing according to the publication manual of the American Psychological Association APA, 2010, 6th edition. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Avoid citation in the abstract. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.


Author(s) should follow the APA style in referencing. Please visit to learn more about APA style. References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. Use the following format for References;

For articles:
John, L. Y. (2010). Recent issues in Management. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 44, 10-12.
For books: 
Subramanian, P. (2010). Innovations in Contemporary Arena. New Delhi: New Star Publications
For websites:
WHO. (2010). Retrieved August 25, 2010, from

Manuscript may be submitted to


Article Processing Charges

Open Access is supported by both authors and readers as the first appreciates the visibility of their articles and the latter is thankful for the freely available research results. Therefore, in IJCMS, all published articles are full open-access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management. Once an article is scientifically accepted, the APC, is charged to either the author(s), or their funder, institution or employer. Unrestricted access to the data (OPEN ACCESS) is only possible with APC, so we thank all the authors for their contribution.

Waiver Policy:

Exceptional quality articles may be eligible for a full APC waiver, subject to the discretion of the editorial board.

Copyright Policy

IJCMS hold copyrights for the articles including abstracts published in the journal as accepted by the author in full consent in order to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the journal internationally.

IJCMS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The articles published in IJCMS can be copied and redistributed in any medium or format. Articles can be remixed, transformed and built upon for any purpose, even commercially.

Upon signing the Copyright Form, authors are responsible for the content of the manuscripts and articles and accept all the terms and conditions presented at the journal website.

To see our policy regarding withdrawal and retraction, please see here.